Tuesday, February 22, 2011

No phones at the dinner table...Dad! :)

This is known as the technology generation... Im sure everyone has heard if from their parents and grandparents about all of the gadgets we have available making just about anything available at our fingertips.  I witnessed something I never thought I would see, while at dinner with my parents and grandparents (names will be left out to conceal identity) ;) We were all enjoying each others company when phones were brought up, both my dad and grandpa have the Android and they start talking about their games and applications available.  Next thing we know me my mom and grandma are having our own conversation and my grandpa and dad are off in their own world playing nothing but a race car game on their phone! I had to sit back and laugh at this picture of my mom and grandma telling their spouses to put their phones away at the table!  Don't worry I told them I was going to blog about this... it was too funny to pass up.  And yes, they did put the phones away for the rest of dinner.  LOL