Friday, April 1, 2011

Checkin off that bucket list!

I am one of those people who makes a list for most everything... grocery, to do list for the day/week, goals, and of course an accomplishment list for my life is one of them.  One of the items on my list, is to be able to check at least one of those off my list each year... and one was to take part in a half-marathon... well I was able to check that off my list last month! It was quite the achievement for someone who doesn't like to run, and also who a few years ago was having leg problems and stairs were a challenge.  I can't believe I say this but I love to run now, I crave it sometimes.  It allows me to clear my head and I feel great doing it (it's the after part that is the struggle, the soreness is not so fun) ha ha.  I want to thank my friends and family who supported me and encouraged me to to this.  You literally motivated me every step of the way!   A special thanks to my mom and sister Ashley who woke up early, drove out to the race site and watched me cross the finish line! It was so great to have that support.  I even beat my goal time! I crossed the finish line at 1 hour 46 minutes! We will see if or when the next one will be :) Until then, on to the next item on my list....