Sunday, September 18, 2011

Summing up the SC Summer

Well its official official.. the summer has come to a close.  There were many ups and downs, despite all the complaining I'm sure was heard all around :) I am truly grateful for the opportunity to have a job and to have had success.  There were some high points to the summer one was when my mom came to visit! It was so much fun to have here here and to have dinner ready when we got home was a godsend! She could barley stay awake to watch us eat the delicious meal she prepared (seeing it was usually around 10:30 when we ate).  We celebrated mothers day for her and we were able to take a fun trip down to Charleston and see some of the fun sights there.

My good friend Ambrosia and our friend from overseas Katia came to visit in SC! We had a good time together .... the more the merrier!

Heather came to visit as well and with that came more trips to the beach in Myrtle and Charleston! We packed in the fun for sure.

Jon came to visit a few times and towards the end he surprised us and brought Connor! It was so fun to have him visit, we took him to Myrtle Beach on our day off and I'm sure he didn't complain about how we spoiled him with "junk food".

Oh yeah.. we worked a little too and of course with that comes many many random, weird stories.. some I would love to repeat and others I dare not! hahah but I am SOOO happy to say I completed another summer of this thing we call our "job" haha.  Until next summer??????... we will see!